Monday, February 16, 2009

Residents aren't taking heart health seriously (USA)

"Heart disease is Wyoming's No. 1 killer. But the state spends 12 times more money on cancer prevention and research. And residents may hear messages to use less salt, eat healthy and exercise more, but the advice isn't always a priority as people juggle families, jobs and bills. Even those who know they are at risk for diabetes or cardiovascular disease may not know what they can do to prevent a heart attack, said Dave Ivester of the state Department of Health's heart disease and stroke prevention program. And those with diagnosed disorders may not know how to keep their symptoms under control. "A lot of us are guilty," he said. "We don't go to a doctor unless we're ill." One piece of legislation in the general session of the Legislature aimed to provide $150,000 for a diabetes and cardiovascular disease outreach effort. But it did not meet the House deadline for consideration on first reading." - Wyoming News

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